Is an apprentice right for your business?

Take your business to new heights by leveraging the power of apprenticeships. Explore our comprehensive apprenticeship programs, each tailored to ensure a positive impact on the overall success and productivity of your business.

Hiring an apprentice is a productive and effective way for any business to grow talent, train your existing staff, and develop a motivated, skilled and qualified workforce.

Why hire an apprentice?

Grow your own talent

By tailoring the training to your business needs, you can grow your own talent and fill a skills gap efficiently.

New energy

An apprentice is motivated and eager to learn and can bring a new energy to your business, which will have a positive effect on existing staff.

Make a real difference

An apprentice is making a contribution to your workplace while they are learning and gaining skills on-the-job. They can add value to your business as soon as they start.

Discover new talent

If you’re looking for a school leaver with real potential, you can choose the right apprentice for your business from a pool of un-tapped talent.

Motivated staff

Apprenticeships are a great way to motivate your existing staff by investing in their development and supporting them in gaining industry specific skills and national recognised qualifications.  

Develop a workforce for the future

Training apprentices can provide you with a skilled workforce for the future and can be much more cost-effective than hiring experienced staff.

Fresh ideas

Apprentices can bring fresh new ideas to your business and keep your business up-to-date with the latest techniques and technology - increasing your competitiveness, innovation and productivity.

Industry placements

Work placements offer an ideal way for employers to spot talented potential apprentices and employees.

Find out more > 

Apprenticeship Levy

Our Business Development Team is here to provide you with unbiased advice and guidance on the Apprenticeship Levy.

Leveraging years of experience working with employers, they can help advise your organisation on utilising the Levy to recruit new talent and upskill your existing workforce.

Contact us

Key apprenticeship facts

  • The minimum wage for an apprentice is £6.40 per hour
  • If you employ an apprentice under the age of 19 years old, you will qualify for the Government's £1000 Apprenticeship Employer Incentive Grant. You don't need to apply for this Grant, the College will take care of this for you
  • If you are a non-apprenticeship levy paying employer (an employer with an annual salary of less than £3-m) hiring an apprentice under the age of 22 years old the Government pays the entire cost for training your apprentice
  • If you are a non-apprenticeship levy paying employer (an employer with an annual salary of less than £3-m) hiring an apprentice over the age of 21 years or older the government covers 95% of the training cost for your apprentice
  • Apprenticeship funding can also be used to train your exisitng staff
  • Not all apprentices are new to the workforce. An apprentice can be someone who has previously studied at college and/or has already gained industry knowledge before

Ready to hire an apprentice?

The employer partner experience

We wanted to share the brilliant success Roundel Manufacturing Limited has had hiring a Lean Manufacturing Apprentice, Will, through our apprenticeship scheme.

How has Will progressed since joining Roundel?​

‘Since day one we could see Will had lots of potential…His work ethic has been exactly what we wanted, and he is a great communicator. He has been trusted running a 3.5 million pounds machine and has done a fantastic job.’​

Roundel have worked with Sunderland College for a long time. Why do you continue to recruit apprentices?​

‘We have an ageing work force, so we wanted to bring in some new blood and fresh talent. We find with recruiting apprentices we can teach them the Roundel way. We have people that have been here a long time, and we hope they can pass down their skills and knowledge to our apprentices.’​

- Head of HR Kerry Kirtley - Roundel Manufacturing Limited

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