Excellence at the heart of everything we do

To realise our vision we will excel in our pursuit of excellence to enable us to grow our student population and the College’s performance by uniting our people and culture and strengthening our reputation locally, regionally and nationally.

Purposefully bold and challenging, we aspire to be:

  • In the top 10 Colleges nationally for student achievement
  • In the top 25 Colleges nationally for financial health

Our passion is our strength, we have demonstrated this continuously and this is why we will pursue our vision with enthusiasm and determination.

Our strategic plan

The College’s Strategic Plan 2019-2025 is our blueprint for success. It establishes a framework to shape our direction within an environment that is rapidly changing, financially challenging and increasingly competitive.

We look forward to working with our colleagues to achieve this Strategic Plan and to ensure the College continues to build on its successful past, for a sustainable and bright future.

Our strategic goals

Our Professional Values


We are who we say we are, we do what we say we do.


We value the opinion of others and the contribution they make.


We work hard to create a
dynamic, forward looking culture.


We are determined to achieve our vision and goals.

Our vision

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