
Users must not republish any information/materials on another website, or in any other electronic or print medium, without the prior written permission of Education Partnership North East. If you would like to use a graphic or logo, you must request permission.

For further information on permitted use, or to request permission to republish information/materials, please contact

Privacy Policy

Education Partnership North East will only collect, process and store information about you that we have collected from you with your consent. Personal data is not captured or stored through Education Partnership North East website without your prior consent.

Any personal data that you supply to Education Partnership North East will be held and processed only for the purpose for which it is supplied, which you will be made aware of at the time the data is supplied. We ensure that all personal data is captured, held and processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Your personal data will not be made available to any third party, unless you have consented to this at the time the data is supplied to Sunderland College or this is so permitted by law.

Education Partnership North East maintains continuous logs of web server activity. Logs include information about your IP address, your browser type and the pages you have visited. We use this information to analyse the way people use our website.


If you contact us by email, please be aware that Education Partnership North East cannot guarantee that email remains confidential while in transit. All email sent to and from Education Partnership North East may be monitored, in accordance with legal parameters. We will only use the personal data supplied within an email to us to provide a reply to your message. We do not keep this information, or share it with any third party unless you have consented to this or this is so permitted by law.

This privacy statement applies to websites maintained by Education Partnership North East. We cannot be held responsible for the protection of your privacy and personal data that is provided if you leave this website and visit a website that is not maintained by Education Partnership North East, including via a link from this website.

Reciprocal Links

Before creating a text link from your website to a website maintained by Education Partnership North East, please contact We reserve the right to request the removal of any link.

If you think we would be interested in linking to your website, please contact us.


Education Partnership North Eastendeavours to ensure that the information on this website is correct, but does not accept any liability for loss due to errors or omissions.


©Education Partnership North East, all rights reserved

Unless otherwise stated, the copyright of all the information/materials (including without limitation all articles, text, images, logos, downloadable documents and videos) on this website is held by Education Partnership North East. Information/materials may not be published in any other format without the express written permission of Education Partnership North East.


In accordance with the College Fees Policy, refunds of course fees are not usually payable, except when the College decides to cancel a course. In exceptional circumstances a refund may be available, at the discretion of the Senior Leadership & Management Team.

When paying via the College website consumers have the right to cancel within seven days of their contract, or seven days of receipt of the goods (whichever is the longer). A consumer who wishes to cancel their order must do so, in writing, either via email or by post, (Finance Department at the Bede Centre) within the seven days.

Any requests for refunds outside of the seven day deadline will be declined, as will requests for goods or services which have already been utilised (e.g. meals already purchased and consumed in a College catering outlet).

Company Details:
Registered Name – City of Sunderland College
Place of Registration – Sunderland
Registered Office – Bede Campus, Durham Road, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, SR3 4AH
Registration Number – N/A
Contact Tel Number – 0191 511 6000
Email address –

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