Welcome to Education Partnership North East (EPNE), where we are proud to provide an inclusive and diverse learning environment, to help students open doors to a vast array of opportunities.

Here at EPNE, our ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) courses offer more than just learning basic English skills, they are designed to empower individuals from diverse backgrounds to thrive in an interconnected world. We want to support our students to interact seamlessly, gain professional success, and cultural integration. Our ESOL curriculum goes beyond grammar and vocabulary; it offers a gateway to increasing confidence, career advancement, and those all-important meaningful connections. 

Whether students are looking to navigate a new country, pursue higher education, or aim to excel in their career, proficiency in English is fundamental. The ESOL courses we offer are delivered in a supportive and immersive learning environment that supporst students to not only master language skills but also embrace a vibrant community of staff and students.

College of Sancturary

As a college group, we are committed to supporting the College of Sanctuary’s charter and organisational values including inclusivity, openness, participation, inspiration, and integrity, so that we too can play a significant role in our region, to support building a more welcoming UK for people seeking sanctuary and migrants to the UK.

Learn more about our pledge
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