Could your business benefit from a placement student?

A student studying a T-Level in Management and Admin will develop and understand a range of issues relevant to the sector, including: 

  • business context – an overview of organisational cultures and values, different types of internal and external stakeholder, different forms of governance and the impact of organisations on society and the environment
  • project and change management – an understanding of the common change management theories and models and how to support and improve projects
  • business behaviours – the importance of good communication and adapting social communication styles to professional standards and according to purpose, medium and audience
  • quality and compliance – the importance of maintaining and improving quality in all aspects of public and private sector organisations

If you feel that your business could benefit from taking on a student on a 45-day placement to develop their skills.  Contact our Business Development Team today.

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Benefits of industry placements:

Developing a cost-effective recruitment pipeline of talent for entry-level jobs

Building the skills and capacity of your business.

Having extra resources for day-to-day projects

Making a more diverse and creative workforce

Bringing in imaginative and new ideas

Giving your staff the opportunity to upskill in coaching and mentoring new people.

Providing a positive experience for a local young person.