Our Governing Body

Governance structure

The structure consists of the Board of the Corporation (minimum of ten members) and six sub-committees:

  • Audit Committee is responsible for advising the Corporation Board on the adequacy and effectiveness of the College’s audit arrangements and risk management and control.
  • Curriculum, Quality and Student Experience Committee is responsible for ensuring the College provides an ambitious curriculum that meets the needs of the local, regional and national economic needs, provides a high quality education and an outstanding student experience where all students are able to thrive.
  • Finance, Resources & Projects Committee is responsible for advising the Corporation Board on the financial position of the College including the solvency of the institution and the safeguarding of its assets, estate and resource matters.
  • Governance Committee is responsible for advising the Corporation Board on all aspects of corporate governance including membership, governor training and self-assessment.
  • Remuneration Committee is responsible for the performance and salary review and setting of Senior Post Holders.

James Stuart (Chair), Alison Shaw (Vice Chair - North), Louise Bradford (Vice Chair - South), Ian Brown, Pam Dawson, Louise Doyle, Julia Fox, Chris Jones, Abigail Wampamba Nassuna (FE Student Governor), Lyndsey O'Leary, Susan Pollard (Staff Governor), Darren Sterling, and Ellen Thinnesen (Chief Executive)

Lyndsey O'Leary (Chair), Ian Brown, Pan Dawson, Tim Care (co-opted), and Catherine Magog (co-opted)

Julia Fox (Chair), Nick Collins (co-opted), Alison Shaw, Darren Sterling, James Stuart, and Ellen Thinnesen (CE)

James Stuart (Chair), Julia Fox, Chris Jones, Lyndsey O'Leary, and Ellen Thinnesen (CE)

Julia Fox, Chris Jones, Lyndsey O'Leary (Chair), and James Stuart 

Chris Jones (Chair), Louise Bradford, Ian Brown, Pam Dawson, Louise Doyle, and Abigail Wampamba Nassuna (FE Student Governor)

Calendar of Meetings

Meeting Minutes

Committee Terms of Reference

Scheme of Delegation

Our vision & values